Monday, May 30, 2011


Stanley: The Schubert videos were a contradiction of the goethe poem which i interpret to be about rape. The song had a major key and a up tempo sound; which i think should be a minor key ( a darker sound).


  1. Not an uncommon interpretation. That's one of the topics of discussion for Wednesday :-)

    Setting a piece to music requires a certain amount of interpretation of the work, which is sometimes (purposively) elusive.

  2. When comparing Barbra Bonney’s and Peter Schreier’s Heidenröslein, I think Barbara’s pronunciation is a bit slurred or connected. This could partly be due to the fact the I’m unfamiliar with the language she is singing in. But in comparison to Peter Schreier’s version which offers good diction, she slides from phrase to phrase. That’s not to say I don’t like how she connects the notes together in a smooth lighthearted way. But there are portions where gets so quiet that I can’t really hear what she is doing. The piano accompaniment is for the most part, quiet and barely there. But at times it mimics and echoes what her voice does. She seems more reflective and positive towards something that has happened in the past. He seems as if he is speaking of what he wants to be true. Both of which are weird considering what I understand the interpretation to be. As far as his performance, his eye contact is creepy. Without the video, one wouldn’t realize that. But in his favor, I think he does a better job with dynamics and energy.
